Team of the Observatory

Board of directors

Institutionnal Seat

Chair of the Administrative Committee

Strategic Development and Partnership Coordinator at Cégep de Jonquière

Education and Experience

With a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from UQAC and serving as the Coordinator of Strategic Development and Partnership at the Cégep de Jonquière, she has been dedicated to the field of higher education for 23 years. Her expertise in communications, organizational positioning, and student workforce development align with the pedagogical objectives of programs, addressing the needs of the community. This enables her to bring together the vital forces of municipal and community organizations, educational institutions, and private businesses to form innovative and sustainable partnerships across various domains.

Interest in the Observatory

With a deep appreciation for a lifestyle centered on sustainable health and equal psychosocial development for all, starting from early childhood, projects like the Observatory open doors to unprecedented collaborations between researchers and practitioners.

Institutionnal Seat

Project Manager for the consortium québécois de développement des pratiques psychomotrices and retired General Director of the commission scolaire du Lac-Saint-jean


Education and Experience

Holder of a Graduate Diploma in School Administration and a Bachelor's degree in Preschool-Primary Education, Mrs. Fortin has held various roles in education for over 30 years. She has served as a teacher, elementary school principal, deputy general director, and general director at the Lac St-Jean School Board. Currently, she works for the consortium québécois de développement des pratiques psychomotrices

Interest in the Observatory

Contributing to the transfer of new knowledge to practice settings to better equip practitioners and thus promote the harmonious and optimal development of children and youth is important to her. This commitment is in line with the values and vision of the Observatory.

Research Seat

Professor in the Nursing Sciences Department at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi.

Education and Experience

Holder of a Doctorate in Nursing Sciences from Laval University and a professor-researcher in Nursing Sciences at UQAC. With over thirty years of dedicated clinical practice as a nurse, her professional journey, as well as her research interests, has consistently centered on promoting the well-being, health, and quality of life of children and their families.

Interest in the Observatory

Collaborating interdisciplinary to improve the health of children aged 0-18, including creating a detailed portrait of their needs and mobilizing key stakeholders involved.


Institutionnal Seat

Deputy general director of the Association québécoise des personnes handicapées du Québec

Education and Experience

Holder of a bachelor's and master's degree in Recreation, Culture, and Tourism from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Alexandra is the Deputy General Director at the Quebec Association for the Recreation of Disabled Persons (AQLPH).

Interest in the Observatory

Motor and psychomotor development is at the core of optimal individual growth. Promoting the acquisition of motor and psychomotor skills enables young individuals with disabilities to have the necessary tools to participate in recreational activities, which is at the heart of the mission of the AQLPH.

Citizen seat

Preschool-primary teacher by training, currently employed at CNESST, and a mother of four young children

Education and experience

I am a preschool-primary teacher by training, currently employed at CNESST, and a mother of four young children. Since completing my studies in 2012, I have been actively involved in various organizations related to children. I have participated in parent groups, served as a mentor and administrator at TrioLait, and held the position of board president at my children's daycare.

Interest in the Observatory

In recent years, my involvement has primarily focused on the overall development of infants. However, I now aim to broaden my interests by getting involved with the Observatory of Motor and Psychomotor Development. I am deeply committed to the well-being and development of our youth, as I firmly believe in their importance for the future. Consequently, my curiosity drives me to continually learn and add to my skill set. I am excited to contribute to the Observatory and bring new perspectives to my experience.

Practicionner Seat

Physical Education Teacher and Founder of NALU Education

Education and Experience

Trained as a physical education and health teacher, she holds a master's degree in Physical Activity Sciences specializing in the design of traditional and naturalized (mixed) schoolyard layouts. During her graduate studies, she also worked as a research assistant for the Canada Research Chair in Early Intervention – UNESCO, focusing primarily on the screening and assessment of young children's development. She is also the founder and trainer for the organization Nalu Éducation, which is dedicated to promoting physical activity and the full potential development of children through the principles of nature-based education and optimal play environments.

Interest in the Observatory

Fostering the overall development and autonomy of children is at the core of her fundamental values. Enabling a concrete contribution to the transfer of scientific knowledge and sharing best practices with the educational environments she engages with is equally crucial. Her interest in the Observatory lies in the mutual sharing of these values.

Administrator (Research Chair)

Researcher at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières and General Manager of Ex Situ Experience.

Education and Experience

Sébastien Rojo is affiliated with the Department of Psychoeducation and Social Work at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, where he teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He collaborates as a researcher and partner in several research units such as the International Laboratory on School Inclusion (LISIS), the Research Network for the Enhancement and Valorization of Research on Well-being and Success in the Context of Diversity (RÉVERBÈRE), and the Chair of Excellence in Teaching and the Laboratory in Education through Nature and Learning Territory (ÉNA-TerrA). For nearly twenty years, his research and professional projects have focused on Psychosocial Intervention through Nature and Adventure (IPNA). Moreover, he is the co-founder and general director of the Center of Expertise and Innovation – Ex Situ Experience, specialized in intervention, training, and research in this field.

Scientific committee

Research Seat

Researcher at ÉCOBES du Cégep de Jonquière and Co-Director of the Observatory on Student Mental Health in Higher Education

Education and Experience

Holder of a Ph.D. in Psychology, Benjamin is a psychology researcher at the ÉCOBES Research Center (Cégep de Jonquière) and co-director of the Observatory on Post-Secondary Student Mental Health. Specializing in the assessment of mental health and neuropsychological disorders in the context of rare genetic neuromuscular diseases, he is also interested in the mental health of young adults in academic settings and the socio-cultural adaptation of international students. With clinical experience in psychology in both hospital and private practice settings in France, he places great emphasis on ensuring that his research projects support practice, both at the level of practitioners and clients.

Interest in the Observatory

His main motivations within the Observatory include exploring the impact of mental health on psychomotor development, the transdisciplinary collaboration, and the pooling of research projects to progress more efficiently.

Research Seat

Professor-Researcher at the University of Sherbrooke and Co-holder of the Kino-Québec Research Chair

Education and experience

Holder of a Ph.D. in Kinesiology from Laval University, he is a full professor at the Faculty of Physical Activity Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke.

Interest in the Observatory

His research focuses primarily on the physical activity of children and adolescents, motor and overall development, as well as factors predisposing to academic learning.

Institutionnal Seat

Physical Education Teacher at Cégep de Saint-Félicien

Education and Experience

Johanne is a physical education and health teacher at Cégep St-Félicien and a doctoral candidate in educational research at UQAC. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the assessment of practical learning to evaluate changes in health-related behaviors. She is interested in the development of perceptual knowledge, including bodily sensations, sensitivity, and perceptions. Johanne advocates for the reinvestment and transfer of learning.

Interest in the Observatory

Her main interest within the scientific committee is to ensure that information is accessible and sufficiently popularized to reach target audiences, especially those in college. Johanne would like to emphasize that engaging in physical activity at all stages of life is beneficial for both mental and physical health, within a sustainable development perspective. She believes it is crucial to encourage individuals aged 0-18 to be more active and combat sedentary lifestyles associated with our modern way of life.

Johanne is a hands-on, practical woman who thrives in action. She is excited to combine her knowledge with that of the Observatory members to enhance the anticipated outcomes and broaden the scope of exchanges.

Citizen/Student Seat

Doctoral student in Kinesiology and lecturer at UQAC

Education and Experience

A professional kinesiologist, she is currently pursuing her doctoral studies in kinesiology and has experience as a lecturer in the Department of Health Sciences at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, where she has been teaching for nearly 10 years. Her research focuses on the integration of physical activity in schools and its effects on the overall development of children. She places great importance on intervening early in the health continuum to support the full development of children and promote a healthy and active lifestyle to prevent chronic health problems associated with sedentary behavior.

Interest in the Observatory

The Observatory aligns perfectly with her research interests and collaborative values. She is determined to promote the popularization of science and break down research silos, as she strongly believes that collaboration and knowledge dissemination are essential for improving the quality of life for individuals and fostering a positive impact on society. By getting involved in the scientific committee, she is realizing her commitment by making research data accessible to the public and practitioners."

Institutionnal Seat

Deputy Director of Studies at the Office of Research and Innovation and the Educational Resources Center of Cégep de Jonquière

Education and Experience

With a Ph.D. in Psychology specialized in cognition and neuropsychology from the University of Montreal, Mercédès serves as the Deputy Director of Studies at the Office of Research and Innovation and the Educational Resources Center of Cégep de Jonquière.

Interest in the Observatory

Passionate about scientific research, she has often taught child development psychology courses in human techniques college programs and initiated a scientific popularization project with students. The Observatory directly aligns with her interests and areas of expertise.

Research Seat

Professor in the Department of Physical Activity Sciences at UQÀM and Co-Director of the Child Motor Skills Research Laboratory

Education and Experience

With complementary expertise in the field of sports medicine, specializations in neuroscience and biomechanics, achievements in research through applied interventions, and a pronounced interest in technological and social development and innovation, she has cultivated a unique skill set. As a kinesiologist, she has spent the last 20 years specializing in the development of the nervous system. Additionally, she has served as the Co-Director of the Child Motor Skills Research Laboratory since 2017 and is the founder of Nimbly, a gaming platform designed to promote movement and learning, sold in the international market.

Interest in the Observatory

From early childhood to adolescence, whether a child is involved in sports or dealing with a medical condition, she is convinced that every child should be systematically included, allowed to progress at their own pace, and do so with joy. To promote the development of motor skills in children and adolescents, she and her team analyze scientific data. Drawing from her experiences, field observations, and interviews, she creates tools, environments, and programs for adapted physical activities that are flexible, easy to understand, and apply. She is particularly interested in the development of motor control and sensory systems, as well as the effects of training on these sensorimotor mechanisms in children, including those with various neurodevelopmental disorders such as learning disabilities and Developmental Coordination Disorder, also known as dyspraxia."

Practicionner Seat

Coordinator of the Consortium québécois de développement des pratiques psychomotrices

Education and Experience:

Suzanne Gravel holds a Bachelor's degree in Physical Activity Sciences from Laval University and a Master's degree in Education Sciences from the University of Sherbrooke. She is now retired from teaching in the college system and had a career at Cégep de Jonquière in Early Childhood Education. During her years at the Cégep, she conducted three research projects funded by the Ministry of Education of Quebec, two of which received the Minister of Education's Award. Her research focused on the development of professional skills, interpersonal skills in education, reflective practice, and the integration of psychomotricity in early childhood education settings. Her work led her to co-create the Quebec Consortium for the Development of Psychomotor Practices, of which she has been coordinating activities since 2014. She continues to teach at UQAC in the Department of Physical Education.

Interest in the Observatory:

In 2010, she contributed to establishing, with the help of the research coordinator at Cégep de Jonquière, a regional research committee on the motor and psychomotor development of young children to follow up on the work done by her research team (TRÉFIE). The Observatory's work aligns directly with the actions taken by this committee. Using the body as a means to promote individuals' full development, especially during early childhood, working in an interdisciplinary and inter-level professional network, and promoting interaction between the research and practice realms are aspects that motivate her to maintain an active professional life.

Practicionner Seat

Director of Operations at the Champions for Life Foundation

Education and Experience

Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology from the Université du Québec à Montréal, Marie-Christine currently serves as the Director of Operations at the Champions for Life Foundation. For nearly 10 years, she has been dedicated to popularizing scientific concepts to make them more accessible to various stakeholders in sports, recreation, and the educational sector. What sets her apart is her hands-on knowledge and active involvement in different collaborative initiatives.

Interest in the Observatory

Fostering interdisciplinary collaborations with the common goal of maximizing the impact on psychomotor development in our future society. The Observatory will enable us to ensure understanding and cohesion of messages among different stakeholders.

Citizen Seat

Engaged Citizen and Mother of a Child with Multiple Disabilities

Education and Experience

Holder of a Partnership in Research diploma from McMaster University (Family Engagement in Research - FER 101) and a mother to a teenager with multiple disabilities, she actively engages as a patient partner in various projects and causes, primarily focusing on accessibility and inclusion goals. All of this is part of a vision for universal access to an active life for everyone.

Interest in the Observatory

Supporting the psychomotor development of all children and adolescents through the promotion and transfer of knowledge and best practices to everyone involved in their lives. Advocating for universal access to scientific knowledge and tools enabling the implementation of activities and services for all children and adolescents.

Operating committee

Institutional Director

Professor-Researcher at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi and Director of the University Kinesiology Clinic at UQAC

Education and Experience

Holder of a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences with a focus on Psychiatry from the Université de Montréal, Tommy is a Professor-Researcher in Kinesiology at UQAC, Director of the University Kinesiology Clinic (CUK), and Chair of the Research Ethics Committee with Human Beings at UQAC. With over 20 years of clinical experience in kinesiology in a hospital setting, he approaches his research questions with a practical, field-oriented perspective while mobilizing expertise from various environments to enhance their scope and impact.

Interest in the Observatory

The impact of sensorimotor experience on development, mental health, inclusion, and the sharing of knowledge is at the core of his research interests, and the Observatory aligns perfectly with this vision.


Kinesiologist and researcher at Écobes, Cégep de Jonquière

Education and Experience

Holder of a Master's degree in Kinesiology from Laval University, Alexandre works as a researcher at ÉCOBES - Research and Transfer at Cégep de Jonquière, in addition to coordinating the Observatory.

Interest in the Observatory

Passionate about the impact of lifestyle habits on all aspects of human health, the Observatory aligns in every way with his holistic vision of human development, as well as a science that is more accessible to all, with the aim of exerting a greater impact on communities