
The Observatory for Motor and Psychomotor Development in 0-18 Year Olds, what is it?

The mission

The Observatory is a collaborative network that aims to promote the optimal motor and psychomotor development of children and adolescents through the sharing and popularization of knowledge and best practices for the benefit of families, practitioners, and communities.


The vision

To become the reference in the field of motor and psychomotor development for children and adolescents by centralizing, popularizing, and disseminating knowledge.

To be a driver of motor and psychomotor development and a player in innovative and interdisciplinary research.


The values


It is the willingness to pool experiences, knowledge, and research data where everyone contributes to and benefits from shared resources.


It is adherence to moral and ethical principles involving honesty, transparency, and respect for high professional standards.


It is our commitment to being receptive to discoveries, practices, and ideas of others.

It is about fostering curiosity, exploration, and creative innovation to better meet the constantly evolving needs of children and adolescents.