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First Annual General Assembly of the Observatory

News - Intro image

On the occasion of the very first Annual General Assembly in the history of the association, members of the Observatory once again showed strong attendance, with many interdisciplinary actors coming together, almost a year to the day after the founding assembly.

The Vice-Rector for Studies at UQAC, Mr. Étienne Hébert, and the General Director of Cégep de Jonquière and former federal deputy Mr. Sylvain Gaudreault were present, taking turns speaking to express the support of their respective institutions for the Observatory's cause.

To animate the event, a joint conference on the links between movement and learning was then co-hosted by Dr. Julie Bouchard (Ph.D. in neuropsychology) and Laurie Simard (Ph.D. candidate in biology).

A total of 24 individuals attended, both in person and online. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the members of our scientific committees who were elected or re-elected for the occasion.


Administrative Committee

Citizen seat: Josépier Guillot

Practitioner seat: Rosalie Morin (NALU Education)

Researcher seat: Sébastien Rojo (UQTR)

Institutional seat: Alexandra Gilbert (AQLPH)


Scientific Committee

Citizen/student seat: Laurie Simard (UQAC)

Practitioner seat: Suzanne Gravel (CQDPP)

Researcher seat: Benjamin Gallais (ÉCOBES, Cégep de Jonquière)

Institutional seat: Johanne Tremblay (Cégep de Saint-Félicien)


To learn more about the members of our committees, please visit the "Team" section on our website!

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